Contingency Recruiting: find your perfect fit

Ideal for early stage and stealth startups looking for individual contributors.

I work with hiring managers to review the open position, define the job description, and review the wish list of the client to determine the desired skill set. What are the must haves? What are the nice-to-haves? I work with the hiring manager to facilitate the internal process for interviewing. What kind of interview will be conducted? Individual or group? Will we include a coding exercise?

Once I have an understanding of the culture of the existing team, the compensation package, and the interview process, I go to work to find the ideal candidate. I source the role. Work my networks. Target companies to recruit from. With a list of candidates in hand, I facilitate the process until we get to the offer stage. Until we find the perfect fit, there’s no commitment from my clients.

Retained Search: recruit for impact

Ideal for mature companies and startups approaching their Series A, who require the leadership to take them to the next level of performance and profitability.

When your organization is looking for director-level leadership, a Retained Search agreement with Dena McHenry Recruiting makes sense. To find A-Team talent I work with the hiring manager to define the role, the impact, and the strategic vision of the company. Next we determine the specifications for hiring. I thoroughly define the job responsibilities, the growth potential of the role, and the candidate pitch. I meet with the direct reports involved in the selection process. Together the hiring manager and I develop a job description, which I write out and then begin the search. I produce a sufficient number of inspirational candidates to bring into the interview process. The result? Confidence you’ve hired a dynamic leader ready from day one to impact product development and drive long-term growth of your business.

Project-Based Recruiting: build the teams that build companies

Some companies focus on building technology. I help them focus on building teams.

Companies in high growth mode need to move fast, staff up, and ship product. When your organization needs to add engineering teams to work on discrete, mission-critical assignments, Project Based Recruiting is an ideal arrangement. To help find rock star talent I work on-site one day a week and function as an internal recruiter. I devote the time to understand the need, find the talent, conduct the interview process, and ensure onboarding is swift and seamless. I make certain everyone is one the same page, understands the culture of the company, and how they can make a contribution. It’s a role I’ve implemented for over 23 startups, including Snowflake, Bleacher Report, and RDIO.